10 sets/2 minute intervals
3 Clean-> Front Squat -> Push Press
20 minute/30 reps
100 yards Power Wheel /4 minutes
December 20 Workout
Jump Rope Warmup
"+" drill x10 (4x w/ 2ft, 3x w/l&r)
Resisted Running 20/10x6 for 3 minutes total
Vertical Jumps (sets of 8, reach with left/right hand 4x each, all purple PPJ)
No Steps (2 bands) reach for ~9'
1 Step Approach (2 bands)
2 Step Approach (2 bands)
No Steps (1 band) reach for 9'6"
1 Step (1 band)
2 Step (2 band)
No Steps reach for ~9'8"
1 Step
2 Step
No Steps
Averaged hitting mark about 5-6/8 on each set
Box Jumps 18" quick off floor
2 bands x9
1 bands x9
0 bands x10
100 jumps total, <70 w/resistance
1-arm pullup 25# assistance 5 sets of l/r overhand/underhand
1-arm floor press 32k x5 x2, 36k x5 x3 (l/r)
"+" drill x10 (4x w/ 2ft, 3x w/l&r)
Resisted Running 20/10x6 for 3 minutes total
Vertical Jumps (sets of 8, reach with left/right hand 4x each, all purple PPJ)
No Steps (2 bands) reach for ~9'
1 Step Approach (2 bands)
2 Step Approach (2 bands)
No Steps (1 band) reach for 9'6"
1 Step (1 band)
2 Step (2 band)
No Steps reach for ~9'8"
1 Step
2 Step
No Steps
Averaged hitting mark about 5-6/8 on each set
Box Jumps 18" quick off floor
2 bands x9
1 bands x9
0 bands x10
100 jumps total, <70 w/resistance
1-arm pullup 25# assistance 5 sets of l/r overhand/underhand
1-arm floor press 32k x5 x2, 36k x5 x3 (l/r)
December 19 Workout
1 minute on/1 minute rest 15 mintues
Chinups 28
Handstand Pushups 5/4/3/2 14 total
Split Squats 32k's 12/12 24 total
Snathes 32k 10/10 20 total
PW Rollouts 22
PW Curls 35
Push Presses 32k's 8/4 12
Cleans (no momemtum) 32k's 10
1:30 rest
30 seconds on/30 seconrds rest 8 minutes
Chinups 15
Handstand Pushups 4/4 8 total
Split Squat 8/8 16 total
Snatches 32k 6/6 12 total
PW Rollout 12
PW Curls 18
Push Presses 32k's 10
Cleans (no momentum) 32k's 7
Chinups 28
Handstand Pushups 5/4/3/2 14 total
Split Squats 32k's 12/12 24 total
Snathes 32k 10/10 20 total
PW Rollouts 22
PW Curls 35
Push Presses 32k's 8/4 12
Cleans (no momemtum) 32k's 10
1:30 rest
30 seconds on/30 seconrds rest 8 minutes
Chinups 15
Handstand Pushups 4/4 8 total
Split Squat 8/8 16 total
Snatches 32k 6/6 12 total
PW Rollout 12
PW Curls 18
Push Presses 32k's 10
Cleans (no momentum) 32k's 7
December 17 Workout
5x3 1-arm press 32k's r/l 15 each
5x1 1-arm pullup -25# r/l o/u/l/r 10 each
24k's Cleans
24k's Mil Presses
Tuck Jumps
5x1 1-arm pullup -25# r/l o/u/l/r 10 each
24k's Cleans
24k's Mil Presses
Tuck Jumps
December 14 Workout
15/15 10 minutes alternating between pairs
1-arm swings 44k 10 r/l x5 each 50 r/l 100 total
Hanging Leg Raises 7's 70 total
D-ball Cleans 100# 6sx5, 7s x5 65 total
Cable Press (Black) 7 70 total
1-arm swings 44k 10 r/l x5 each 50 r/l 100 total
Hanging Leg Raises 7's 70 total
D-ball Cleans 100# 6sx5, 7s x5 65 total
Cable Press (Black) 7 70 total
December 12 Workout
20 Hip Slaps Handstand (20 each side)
10 Hip Slaps Pole Climb (10 each side)
5 Foot-Up Lunges w/ kick foot up to butt (5 each side) (0, 15, 20, jump lunges)
50s Jump Rope Doubles F/B
10 Hip Slaps Pole Climb (10 each side)
5 Foot-Up Lunges w/ kick foot up to butt (5 each side) (0, 15, 20, jump lunges)
50s Jump Rope Doubles F/B
December 10 Workout
44k Renegade Rows 50 total 5x5 r/l (3 1/2 min)
Alternating Press 50 total 25 r/l (5, 4, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3)
Box Jumps 44" 50 total (10, 8, 8, 6, 6, 12)
Pistols 24k 50 total 25 r/l (9 minutes)
44k Renegade Rows 50 total 5x5 r/l (3 1/2 min)
Alternating Press 50 total 25 r/l (5, 4, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3)
Box Jumps 44" 50 total (10, 8, 8, 6, 6, 12)
Pistols 24k 50 total 25 r/l (9 minutes)
December 6 Workout
100f-90b-80f-70b-60f-50b-40f-30b-20f-10b Doubles Jump Rope w/ Green Rope
100-90-80-70-60-50-40-30-20-10-10 Yards Power Wheel Crawl (1/3 mile)
100 (10 laps 4/3/2/1)
9 laps (3/3/3)
8 laps (2/2/2/2)
7 laps (3/2/2)
60 yards (30/30)
50 yards (30/20)
40 yards (20/20)
30 yards (30)
20 yards (20)
10 yards (10)
100-90-80-70-60-50-40-30-20-10-10 Yards Power Wheel Crawl (1/3 mile)
100 (10 laps 4/3/2/1)
9 laps (3/3/3)
8 laps (2/2/2/2)
7 laps (3/2/2)
60 yards (30/30)
50 yards (30/20)
40 yards (20/20)
30 yards (30)
20 yards (20)
10 yards (10)
December 5 Workout
1 minute each/1 minute rest 15 minutes total.
Snatch 10 left/10 right 20 total w/44k switched at 30 seconds
Split Squats 24k’s 24 total
Handstand Pushups 5/4/3 12 total
Pullups 28,
Cleans 24k’s (tried to kill momentum at the bottom, but didn’t touch floor) 20 total
Push Presses 24k’s 10/10 20 total.
PW Curls 30 total
PW Rollouts 24 total
1:30 rest
:30 seconds each/:30 seconds rest for 8 minutes (25 minutes total)
Snatch 5 l/ 5 r 10 total w/44k
Split Squats: 14 w/24k’s
Handstand Pushups: 8
Pullups: 15
Cleans: 12 w/24k’s
Push Presses: 12 w/24k’s
PW Curls: 15
PW Rollouts: 14
Snatch 10 left/10 right 20 total w/44k switched at 30 seconds
Split Squats 24k’s 24 total
Handstand Pushups 5/4/3 12 total
Pullups 28,
Cleans 24k’s (tried to kill momentum at the bottom, but didn’t touch floor) 20 total
Push Presses 24k’s 10/10 20 total.
PW Curls 30 total
PW Rollouts 24 total
1:30 rest
:30 seconds each/:30 seconds rest for 8 minutes (25 minutes total)
Snatch 5 l/ 5 r 10 total w/44k
Split Squats: 14 w/24k’s
Handstand Pushups: 8
Pullups: 15
Cleans: 12 w/24k’s
Push Presses: 12 w/24k’s
PW Curls: 15
PW Rollouts: 14
December 4 Workout
~29 minutes
50 Jump Rope Doubles F/B
5 r/l TGU w/36k (alternate each rep) w/ floor press each rep
4x JR, 3x TGU
50 Jump Rope Doubles F/B
5 r/l TGU w/36k (alternate each rep) w/ floor press each rep
4x JR, 3x TGU
December 3 Workout
100 yards
Lateral Handstand Walk 24 rlr, 24 lrl, 12 f, 10 f, 12 f, 18 rl
Tire Pulls Large 10, 12, 12, 12, 24, 12, 18
Lunges 32k's 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 10 (100 lunges too)
Traveling Swings 32k 20, 60, 20 (100 swings too)
Lateral Handstand Walk 24 rlr, 24 lrl, 12 f, 10 f, 12 f, 18 rl
Tire Pulls Large 10, 12, 12, 12, 24, 12, 18
Lunges 32k's 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 10 (100 lunges too)
Traveling Swings 32k 20, 60, 20 (100 swings too)
December 1 Workout
15/15 10 minutes
1-arm snatch 36k 5s 50 r/l 100 total
100 Burpees (w/pushup) ~10 minutes\
Thinkers 45/15 (f/l/r/s) x2
1-arm snatch 36k 5s 50 r/l 100 total
100 Burpees (w/pushup) ~10 minutes\
Thinkers 45/15 (f/l/r/s) x2
November 30 Workout
50 Jump Rope Forward/Backward (Heavy Rope)
5 Handstand Pushups -> 10 Ring Dips -> 15 Pushups
100 Jump Rope Forward/Backward
Pole Climb Up/Down -> 10 Pullups -> 5 Renegade Rows 36k/10 Bent Over Rows 24k
150 Jump Rope Forward/Backward
5 Pistols r/l -> 10 Split Squat Jumps r/l -> 1 min Wall Sit
200 Jump Rope Forward/Backward
5 PW Curl w/inner tube -> 10 PW Curl -> 15 Deadlifts 44k
250 Jump Rope Forward/Backward
5 Handstand Pushups -> 10 Ring Dips -> 15 Pushups
200 Jump Rope Forward/Backward
Pole Climb Up/Down -> 10 Pullups -> 15 Renegade Rows 44k
150 Jump Rope Forward/Backward
5 Pistols r/l -> 10 Split Squat Jumps r/l -> 1 min Wall Sit
100 Jump Rope Forward/Backward
5 PW Curl w/inner tube -> 10 PW Curl -> 15 Deadlifts 44k
50 Jump Rope Forward/Backward
5 Handstand Pushups -> 10 Ring Dips -> 15 Pushups
100 Jump Rope Forward/Backward
Pole Climb Up/Down -> 10 Pullups -> 5 Renegade Rows 36k/10 Bent Over Rows 24k
150 Jump Rope Forward/Backward
5 Pistols r/l -> 10 Split Squat Jumps r/l -> 1 min Wall Sit
200 Jump Rope Forward/Backward
5 PW Curl w/inner tube -> 10 PW Curl -> 15 Deadlifts 44k
250 Jump Rope Forward/Backward
5 Handstand Pushups -> 10 Ring Dips -> 15 Pushups
200 Jump Rope Forward/Backward
Pole Climb Up/Down -> 10 Pullups -> 15 Renegade Rows 44k
150 Jump Rope Forward/Backward
5 Pistols r/l -> 10 Split Squat Jumps r/l -> 1 min Wall Sit
100 Jump Rope Forward/Backward
5 PW Curl w/inner tube -> 10 PW Curl -> 15 Deadlifts 44k
50 Jump Rope Forward/Backward
November 21 Workout
50 Pylo Pushups (7x6,8, touch hips, clap alt sets)
50 Pylo Pullups (7x6,8, touch chest, clap alt sets)
50 2-foot approach to 9"8" w/Purp PJ (5 l/r x5)
Pistols 20k/24k/28k/32k 1 r/l
50 Clean and Press with 140# D-ball
4/3/2/1 36k's Clean, 36k's Alt Floor Press
50 Pylo Pullups (7x6,8, touch chest, clap alt sets)
50 2-foot approach to 9"8" w/Purp PJ (5 l/r x5)
Pistols 20k/24k/28k/32k 1 r/l
50 Clean and Press with 140# D-ball
4/3/2/1 36k's Clean, 36k's Alt Floor Press
November 20 Workout
100 Step Ups
100 yard Power Wheel Crawl (50/25/25, 37.5/25/25/25/12.5, 25/25/25/25)
100 Jump Rope f/b
100 yard Farmer's Walk 44k's (100,100,70/30)
100 yard Power Wheel Crawl (50/25/25, 37.5/25/25/25/12.5, 25/25/25/25)
100 Jump Rope f/b
100 yard Farmer's Walk 44k's (100,100,70/30)
November 19 Workout
Muscle Ups 4/1, 5, 5, 4/1, 5, 3/2 (30 total)
Step Ups 24" Box 28k's, 32k's, 36k's, 40k's, 44k's 5 r/l
One leg Stab Ball Curls 5 r/l
Muscle Ups 4/1, 5, 5, 4/1, 5, 3/2 (30 total)
Step Ups 24" Box 28k's, 32k's, 36k's, 40k's, 44k's 5 r/l
One leg Stab Ball Curls 5 r/l
November 16 Workout
15/15 10 minutes each
Scorpion Pushups 6 total 3 r/l 60 total
D-ball Cleans 100# 6 60 total
Swings 44k 10 r/l 50 r/l 100 total
Hanging Leg Raises 5 50 total
Scorpion Pushups 6 total 3 r/l 60 total
D-ball Cleans 100# 6 60 total
Swings 44k 10 r/l 50 r/l 100 total
Hanging Leg Raises 5 50 total
November 15 Workout
100 jump rope forward
100 yards 28k's overhead (5/3, 5/3)
100 jump rope backward
100 yards 36k's racked (5/3, 8)
100 jump rope forward
100 jump rope backward
100 yards 44k's farmers carry (5/3, 8)
100 yards 28k's overhead (5/3, 5/3)
100 jump rope backward
100 yards 36k's racked (5/3, 8)
100 jump rope forward
100 jump rope backward
100 yards 44k's farmers carry (5/3, 8)
November 14 Workout
Handstand 1-arm/hip slaps 10 r/l
Pole Climb 1-arm/hip slaps 10 r/l
Lunges 36k's rack, 5 r/l
Jump Rope 150s f/b
Pole Climb 1-arm/hip slaps 10 r/l
Lunges 36k's rack, 5 r/l
Jump Rope 150s f/b
November 13 Workout
Circuit 20-30-40-50-40-30-20
Log Jumps
Med Ball Chest Pass
230 reps total
Elver 7x/19:23
Log Jumps
Med Ball Chest Pass
230 reps total
Elver 7x/19:23
November 12 Workout
Alt. Floor Press 32k's r/l 5x10
Alt. Bent Over Rows 32k's r/l 5x10
Split Squats 32k's r/l 10,15,15,10
Broad Jumps resisted 2 orange 10,5,7,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Alt. Bent Over Rows 32k's r/l 5x10
Split Squats 32k's r/l 10,15,15,10
Broad Jumps resisted 2 orange 10,5,7,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
November 9 Workout
Tire Pull- 10x3 w/200#+
Lateral Jumps 10 r/l x3 ~28-31"
Wall Walk 10y r/l 10y f 15y f
Swings 50 l/50 r 40k
Lateral Jumps 10 r/l x3 ~28-31"
Wall Walk 10y r/l 10y f 15y f
Swings 50 l/50 r 40k
November 8 Workout
20 Burpees (w/pushup)
100 yards run (10 yardsx10)
20 Touchdowns 7k
100 yards overhead 100# D-ball
x4 in 30:00 minutes
100 yards run (10 yardsx10)
20 Touchdowns 7k
100 yards overhead 100# D-ball
x4 in 30:00 minutes
November 7 Workout
20/14/8 (32k)
20 Swings left
10 yards lunge (left-rack)
20 Mil Presses left (10,4,3,3)
20 Swings right
10 yards lunge (right-rack)
20 Mil Presses right (10,6,2,2)
14 Swings left
10 yards lunge (left-rack)
14 Mil Presses left (8,4,2)
14 Swings right
10 yards lunge (right-rack)
14 Mil Presses right (7,4,3)
8 Swings left
10 yards lunge (left-rack)
8 Mil Presses left (2,5,1)
8 Swings right
10 yards lunge (right-rack)
8 Mil Presses right (5,2,1)
20 Swings left
10 yards lunge (left-rack)
20 Mil Presses left (10,4,3,3)
20 Swings right
10 yards lunge (right-rack)
20 Mil Presses right (10,6,2,2)
14 Swings left
10 yards lunge (left-rack)
14 Mil Presses left (8,4,2)
14 Swings right
10 yards lunge (right-rack)
14 Mil Presses right (7,4,3)
8 Swings left
10 yards lunge (left-rack)
8 Mil Presses left (2,5,1)
8 Swings right
10 yards lunge (right-rack)
8 Mil Presses right (5,2,1)
November 6 Workout
Get Ups 32k's 5 l/r (2/2/1)
Jump Rope Doubles 50 f/b
Power Wheel Crawl/Pike Ups/Rockers
Jump Rope Doubles 50 f/b
Power Wheel Crawl/Pike Ups/Rockers
November 5 Workout
Glute Ham Raise 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 2 Blue Cable Assist
Box Jumps 42" 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 attempts at 45" y/47 n
Body Rows 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
Divebombers 30
Floor Press 40k x1 32k x2
Box Jumps 42" 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 attempts at 45" y/47 n
Body Rows 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
Divebombers 30
Floor Press 40k x1 32k x2
November 2 Workout
Dips (rings 10/10, 5/5/5, 4/3/3, 5)
Box Jumps 24"
100 Hindu Pushups
100 Up/Down Dogs 40/30/20/10
Dips (rings 10/10, 5/5/5, 4/3/3, 5)
Box Jumps 24"
100 Hindu Pushups
100 Up/Down Dogs 40/30/20/10
October 31 Workout
D-ball Cleans 140#
D-ball Mil Press 120# (10x2, 4x1)
Pistols r/l
44k Snatches r/l (8l/8r, 5l/7r, 5l/6r, 3l/3r/3l)
D-ball Cleans 140#
D-ball Mil Press 120# (10x2, 4x1)
Pistols r/l
44k Snatches r/l (8l/8r, 5l/7r, 5l/6r, 3l/3r/3l)
October 26 Workout
20 Divebombers 40# WV + 1 Red PPJ (8/6/3/3)
20 Pullups 40# WV + 24k (3/2/2/2/2/2/2/1/1/1)
20 Sit up 40# WV
20 Windmills 32k (5r/5l/5r/5l)
20 Box Jumps 42"
5 Divebombers 1 PPJ
5 Pullups 24k
5 Sit Ups
5 Windmills right
5 Windmills left
5 42" Box Jumps 1 PPJ
~30 minutes
20 Pullups 40# WV + 24k (3/2/2/2/2/2/2/1/1/1)
20 Sit up 40# WV
20 Windmills 32k (5r/5l/5r/5l)
20 Box Jumps 42"
5 Divebombers 1 PPJ
5 Pullups 24k
5 Sit Ups
5 Windmills right
5 Windmills left
5 42" Box Jumps 1 PPJ
~30 minutes
October 24 Workout
Plyo Pushups Red PPU 5,6,6,6,6,6,5
Plyo Pullups (gorilla or clapping) 5,5,7,6,6,6,5
Resisted Broad Jumps 8x5
Resisted Plyo PW Curls 10x4
Plyo Pullups (gorilla or clapping) 5,5,7,6,6,6,5
Resisted Broad Jumps 8x5
Resisted Plyo PW Curls 10x4
October 23 Workout
100 Box Step Ups
100 yards Power Wheel Crawl (8 lengths, 4/2/2, 4/2/2, 3/2/1/1/1)
100 seconds Jump Rope
100 yards Farmers Walk
100 yards Power Wheel Crawl (8 lengths, 4/2/2, 4/2/2, 3/2/1/1/1)
100 seconds Jump Rope
100 yards Farmers Walk
October 22 Workout
Muscle Ups (4/1,5,5,5,5)
Jungle Gym Curls/Runners (5/10 x5)
Squat/Press 24k's, 28k's, 32k's, 36k's, 40k's (sps, sps, sp, pp)
Pistols (5r/l x5)
Muscle Ups (4/1,5,5,5,5)
Jungle Gym Curls/Runners (5/10 x5)
Squat/Press 24k's, 28k's, 32k's, 36k's, 40k's (sps, sps, sp, pp)
Pistols (5r/l x5)
October 17 Workout
20 Hip Slaps (20, 12/8, 8/6/6, 20)
10 D-ball Cleans (5/5, 5/5, 4/3/3, 4/6)
5 r/l Front Lunges w/32k's
50 double Forward/150 backward
four times
10 D-ball Cleans (5/5, 5/5, 4/3/3, 4/6)
5 r/l Front Lunges w/32k's
50 double Forward/150 backward
four times
October 16 Workout
3000 Jump rope /300 yard PW Crawl/30 minutes
Around 33 minutes ~400 jump rope short of 30 minutes
Heavy Jump Rope
Elver 5 laps~11:30
Around 33 minutes ~400 jump rope short of 30 minutes
Heavy Jump Rope
Elver 5 laps~11:30
October 15 Workout
15/15 10 minutes
Cable Press Black 6s 60 total
Renegade Rows 40k's 3 r/l 60 total (30 r/l)
Split Squats 40k's 3 r/l 60 total (30 r/l)
Double Snatch 24k's 5s 50 total
1APU -25# r/l 0/u x3
Hand walk 15 yards
Cable Press Black 6s 60 total
Renegade Rows 40k's 3 r/l 60 total (30 r/l)
Split Squats 40k's 3 r/l 60 total (30 r/l)
Double Snatch 24k's 5s 50 total
1APU -25# r/l 0/u x3
Hand walk 15 yards
October 12 Workout
Walk on Hands ~10 yards x4
One-arm assisted pulls r/l o/u -25# x5
Front Squats 40k's 3x3
One-arm assisted pulls r/l o/u -25# x5
Front Squats 40k's 3x3
October 9 Workout
5's TGU w/28k's
50 doubles forward/150 backward
4's TGU w/32k's
50 doubles forward/150 backward
3's TGU w/36k's
50 doubels forward /150 backward
2's TGU w/40k's
50 doubles forward/150 backward
1's TGU w/44k's
500 yard run
Elver 5 laps 12:45
50 doubles forward/150 backward
4's TGU w/32k's
50 doubles forward/150 backward
3's TGU w/36k's
50 doubels forward /150 backward
2's TGU w/40k's
50 doubles forward/150 backward
1's TGU w/44k's
500 yard run
Elver 5 laps 12:45
October 3 Workout
Handstand Pushups 8x3 from low yoga blocks
Rope Climbs 8x1
1-arm swings 44k 4x6 r/l
Overhead Lunges 24k's 4x6 r/l
Rope Climbs 8x1
1-arm swings 44k 4x6 r/l
Overhead Lunges 24k's 4x6 r/l
October 1 Workout
Divebomber (78 total)
Renegade Rows 44k (39 r/l)
Pistols (39 r/l)
Stability Ball Curls (39 r/l)
Divebomber (78 total)
Renegade Rows 44k (39 r/l)
Pistols (39 r/l)
Stability Ball Curls (39 r/l)
September 26 Workout
Walk on Hands
15 yards
10 yards
7-8 yards x5
Pole Climb
5 bars, 4 bars x2
Farmers Walk
44k's 500 yards, set down 10x
Bike ride
15 yards
10 yards
7-8 yards x5
Pole Climb
5 bars, 4 bars x2
Farmers Walk
44k's 500 yards, set down 10x
Bike ride
September 15 Workout
Bike Ride 10 miles
30 minutes/5x thru
Pushups (1 Red-PPU)
Run Around Building
30 minutes/5x thru
Pushups (1 Red-PPU)
Run Around Building
September 12 Workout
40k Clean, Squat,Push Press r/l
40k's Swing
PW Rollout Alternates
Bike Ride
40k Clean, Squat,Push Press r/l
40k's Swing
PW Rollout Alternates
Bike Ride
September 10 Workout
100 yards workout
Pole Climb 10x
Lateral Hand Walk 8 yds x8 r/l, no wall 3x12 yards
Pole Climb 10x
Lateral Hand Walk 8 yds x8 r/l, no wall 3x12 yards
September 5 Workout
15/15 4 minutes
Clean and Push Press 40k's (22221121) (13 total)
Clean and Push Press 32k's (33333322) (22 total)
Clean and Push Press 24k's (44444444) (32 total)
PW Pike Ups/Curls (8888 each)
Clean and Push Press 40k's (22221121) (13 total)
Clean and Push Press 32k's (33333322) (22 total)
Clean and Push Press 24k's (44444444) (32 total)
PW Pike Ups/Curls (8888 each)
August 27 Workout
Front Squat 40k's
Deadlifts 44k's+PJ (2 Green)
Pushups (3 Green PPU)
Pullups (4,4,3,3,3,2,2,2,1,1)
Front Squat 40k's
Deadlifts 44k's+PJ (2 Green)
Pushups (3 Green PPU)
Pullups (4,4,3,3,3,2,2,2,1,1)
August 24 Workout
Jump Rope and Turkish GetUps
50 doubles f/7 doubles b 85 b
2 TGU's 40k r/l
50 doubles f/12 doubles b 75 b
2 TGU's 40k r/l
50 doubles f/19 doubles b 65 b
2 TGU's 40k r/l
50 doubles f/24 doubles b 55 b
2 TGU's 40k r/l
50 doubles f/31 doubles b 35 b
2 TGU's 40k r/l
50 doubles f/50 doubles b
2 TGU's 40k r/l
50 doubles f/7 doubles b 85 b
2 TGU's 40k r/l
50 doubles f/12 doubles b 75 b
2 TGU's 40k r/l
50 doubles f/19 doubles b 65 b
2 TGU's 40k r/l
50 doubles f/24 doubles b 55 b
2 TGU's 40k r/l
50 doubles f/31 doubles b 35 b
2 TGU's 40k r/l
50 doubles f/50 doubles b
2 TGU's 40k r/l
August 21 Workout
25 minutes stairs -18 laps
Pole Climbs 6/4/4/4/2
Handstand Walk Lateral 15 l/r 5 l/r 5 l/r 5 l/r 40 f (13/12/10/5/5)
Broad Jump 100 yards aroudn 7.5' each (40 total)
Pole Climbs 6/4/4/4/2
Handstand Walk Lateral 15 l/r 5 l/r 5 l/r 5 l/r 40 f (13/12/10/5/5)
Broad Jump 100 yards aroudn 7.5' each (40 total)
August 16 Workout
10-> 1
Alligator Pushups f/b
Body Rows No feet (5/5, 5/4, 4/4, 4/3, 6->1)
Split Squats l/r
PW Curls
Alligator Pushups f/b
Body Rows No feet (5/5, 5/4, 4/4, 4/3, 6->1)
Split Squats l/r
PW Curls
August 10 Workout
Card Deck wearing power jumper
Hindu Pushups
Body Rows Feet on Box
Box Jumps 24"
Snatches 24k's
Bike Ride Hills
Hindu Pushups
Body Rows Feet on Box
Box Jumps 24"
Snatches 24k's
Bike Ride Hills
August 8 Workout
1-arm KB Press 44k l/r 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 25 total
1-arm KB Clean 44k l/r 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 25 total
1-leg deadlift 44k's l/r 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 25 total
Weighted Pullup 44k 1-2-3-4 10 total
Time Trial 33 minutes
1-arm KB Clean 44k l/r 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 25 total
1-leg deadlift 44k's l/r 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 25 total
Weighted Pullup 44k 1-2-3-4 10 total
Time Trial 33 minutes
August 7 Workout
15/15 4 minutes each
Burpees 8s 120 total
Umpas w/ 2k ~5
Sprint in Place
D-ball Carry 100#
Jump/Rim 4s-80 total
Around the World
Touchdowns 7k -10s
Elver 6 laps ~17:30
Burpees 8s 120 total
Umpas w/ 2k ~5
Sprint in Place
D-ball Carry 100#
Jump/Rim 4s-80 total
Around the World
Touchdowns 7k -10s
Elver 6 laps ~17:30
August 6 Workout
Approx 30 minutes
PW Pike Ups 20x3
PW Curls 20x3
Pushups 3 Red - 20x3 (20, 17/3, 11/5/4)
Renegade Rows 40k - 20x3
Foot Up Lunges 30 r/l
Step Ups 15/15 r/l x2
Short Bike Ride
PW Pike Ups 20x3
PW Curls 20x3
Pushups 3 Red - 20x3 (20, 17/3, 11/5/4)
Renegade Rows 40k - 20x3
Foot Up Lunges 30 r/l
Step Ups 15/15 r/l x2
Short Bike Ride
July 25 Workout
Body Rows No Feet
Pushups +44k
OH Split Squat +20k's r/l
Pullups +44k
Swings 44k's
Floor Press 36k's
Body Rows No Feet
Pushups +44k
OH Split Squat +20k's r/l
Pullups +44k
Swings 44k's
Floor Press 36k's
July 23 Workout
Hip Slaps 17, 18, 18, 14, 13
Pullups 20, 18, 9, 11, 10, 12
PW Pike Ups 20, 20, 20
Broad Jump Resisted 10, 10, 10, 10
Biking Technical/Climbing
Pullups 20, 18, 9, 11, 10, 12
PW Pike Ups 20, 20, 20
Broad Jump Resisted 10, 10, 10, 10
Biking Technical/Climbing
July 20 Workout
Stair Pushups Up, Stair Pushups Down, Stair Pushups Up
Renegade Rows 44k's, 5,5,15
Box Jumps 42" x5,5, 45" x5,5,5
PW Crawl 5x30 yards
PW Pike Ups Up Stairs x2
Renegade Rows 44k's, 5,5,15
Box Jumps 42" x5,5, 45" x5,5,5
PW Crawl 5x30 yards
PW Pike Ups Up Stairs x2
July 18 Workout
100 yards
Lateral Handstand Walks
Pole Climbs (6 poles +ladder) x5
Snowboarders Squat
Tote Running
Time Trials 30:35
Lateral Handstand Walks
Pole Climbs (6 poles +ladder) x5
Snowboarders Squat
Tote Running
Time Trials 30:35
July 12 Workout
100 yards, 75 yards, 50 yards, 25 yards (8 lengths/100 yards)
all w/32 k
Overhead Carry 5/3, 4/2, 4, 2
Rack Carry 2/6, 1/5, 4, 2
Farmers Walk 8, 6, 4, 2
w/ 7k
Sit Up Reach 44
Sit Up Touchdown 44
Touchdowns 44
all w/32 k
Overhead Carry 5/3, 4/2, 4, 2
Rack Carry 2/6, 1/5, 4, 2
Farmers Walk 8, 6, 4, 2
w/ 7k
Sit Up Reach 44
Sit Up Touchdown 44
Touchdowns 44
July 9 Workout
15/15 5 minutes
Swings w/44k's 6's 60 total
15/15 10 minutes
Pullups 7,6,6,7,6,6,7,6,6,7 64 reps
Dive bombers 6's 60 total
Swings w/44k's 6's 60 total
15/15 10 minutes
Pullups 7,6,6,7,6,6,7,6,6,7 64 reps
Dive bombers 6's 60 total
July 6 Workout
Dips (8/6/4/2 w/20#, 8/6/4/2 w/ no res)
Swings w/44k's
Biking one loop 16:25
Blue Mounds ~3 hours
Dips (8/6/4/2 w/20#, 8/6/4/2 w/ no res)
Swings w/44k's
Biking one loop 16:25
Blue Mounds ~3 hours
June 30 Workout
Mountain Biking Kettle Moraine
Blue Loop 10 mi
Red Loop 1.5 mi
Bypass to Connector
N Connector 5 mi
Emma Carlin Green -> Orange
Orange 2.4 mi
Red 2 mi
Finish Green 4 mi
S Connector 5 mi
Finish Blue 6 mi
Around 35-40 miles total
Blue Loop 10 mi
Red Loop 1.5 mi
Bypass to Connector
N Connector 5 mi
Emma Carlin Green -> Orange
Orange 2.4 mi
Red 2 mi
Finish Green 4 mi
S Connector 5 mi
Finish Blue 6 mi
Around 35-40 miles total
June 29 Workout
Dropdown sets
Jungle Gym Curls 10-> Runners 10
Lunges 10r/l -> Squats 10
Lateral Wall Walks 8 yards r/l -> Plyo Pushups 10
Renegade Rows 44k 5r/l -> Body Rows (no feet) 4/3/2/1
Jungle Gym Curls 10-> Runners 10
Lunges 10r/l -> Squats 10
Lateral Wall Walks 8 yards r/l -> Plyo Pushups 10
Renegade Rows 44k 5r/l -> Body Rows (no feet) 4/3/2/1
June 27 Workout
24k's Clean Press 10 minutes 87 total
skipped two sets, sets of 5 (3,3,4,6,6 on a couple sets)
Box Jumps (both tires) x3 30total
Snatches 24k's x3 30 total
Time Trials
24k's Clean Press 10 minutes 87 total
skipped two sets, sets of 5 (3,3,4,6,6 on a couple sets)
Box Jumps (both tires) x3 30total
Snatches 24k's x3 30 total
Time Trials
June 25 Workout
15/15 10 minutes/pair
Divebombers 6s
Chinups 6s
60 total each
Split Squat no resistance 3s r/l
Swings 28k's 6s
60 total each
Mountain Biking Short
Divebombers 6s
Chinups 6s
60 total each
Split Squat no resistance 3s r/l
Swings 28k's 6s
60 total each
Mountain Biking Short
June 20 Workout
1 minute
24k's clean - 40
24k's MP -12
24k's 1-arm snatch -32 r
24k's 1-arm snatch -32 l
24k's Push Press -23
24k's Swings -60
Turkish Get Ups -3x3 w/32k's
Mountain Biking Time Trials Short Track 30 minutes +1
24k's clean - 40
24k's MP -12
24k's 1-arm snatch -32 r
24k's 1-arm snatch -32 l
24k's Push Press -23
24k's Swings -60
Turkish Get Ups -3x3 w/32k's
Mountain Biking Time Trials Short Track 30 minutes +1
June 15 Workout
15 minutes Renegade Row -> Pushup -> Clean -> Push Press
1/minute 15 total w/40k
5x5 Pullups w/40k
Light Mountain Bike Ride
1/minute 15 total w/40k
5x5 Pullups w/40k
Light Mountain Bike Ride
June 11 Workout
Stair Pushups
Pole Climbs
Swings 32k's
1-arm pullups w/15#
1-arm Presses 32k
Stair Pushups
Pole Climbs
Swings 32k's
1-arm pullups w/15#
1-arm Presses 32k
June 6 Workout
3 x 10/8/12 40k's Swing
1x30 Foot Up Lunges (hands over head) r/l
5x5 44k's Renegade Rows
25 HSPU hands on short yoga blocks 4, 3x4, 2x2, 5
39:06 Time Trial #1
1x30 Foot Up Lunges (hands over head) r/l
5x5 44k's Renegade Rows
25 HSPU hands on short yoga blocks 4, 3x4, 2x2, 5
39:06 Time Trial #1
May 30 Workout
5 minutes C/P, 1 minute Jump Rope, 1 minute Rest
120# D-ball
20 reps/22 reps/20 reps/13 reps = 75 total
Mountain Biking ~45 minutes
120# D-ball
20 reps/22 reps/20 reps/13 reps = 75 total
Mountain Biking ~45 minutes
May 25 Workout
Handstand Pushups (off thin yoga blocks) 5x5
One arm chin up w/ assistance -20# 5xr/l,o/u
Swings 32k's 3x20
Box Jumps 30"/36"/42" 3x20
Biking 5 laps (last lap backward and slow)
One arm chin up w/ assistance -20# 5xr/l,o/u
Swings 32k's 3x20
Box Jumps 30"/36"/42" 3x20
Biking 5 laps (last lap backward and slow)
May 23 Workout
20 yards Alligator Crawls (10 f/b)
20 yards Pole Climbs (4 poles)
40 yards Walking Lunges
40 yards Broad Jumps
5x thru/30:00
Bike 5 miles on road
20 yards Pole Climbs (4 poles)
40 yards Walking Lunges
40 yards Broad Jumps
5x thru/30:00
Bike 5 miles on road
May 17 Workout
Mountain Biking 30 minutes
30 Burpeees
30 Wall Throws 7 kg
1 Lap Around the Building
x6/33 minutes
30 Burpeees
30 Wall Throws 7 kg
1 Lap Around the Building
x6/33 minutes
May 16 Workout
80 divebombers
1-arm assisted chins -20# r/l o/u x5 on each arm
20 chins
80 PW Pike Ups
80 PW Rollouts
Farmers Walk w/44k's 100, 50, 50, 50 yards
Mountain Biking 30-40 minutes w/ issues
1-arm assisted chins -20# r/l o/u x5 on each arm
20 chins
80 PW Pike Ups
80 PW Rollouts
Farmers Walk w/44k's 100, 50, 50, 50 yards
Mountain Biking 30-40 minutes w/ issues
May 14 Workout
20 reps 44k 1-arm Clean l/r (20 r/l)
20 reps 44k 1-arm Push Press l/r (6/9/5 r, 5/2/7/4/2 l)
20 reps 44k 1-arm Swing l/r (20 r/l)
20 reps 44k's Foot up Lunge l/r (10/10 r, 10/10 l)
50 Minute Bike ride (2 1/2 laps [to parking lot], 49 minutes)
20 reps 44k 1-arm Push Press l/r (6/9/5 r, 5/2/7/4/2 l)
20 reps 44k 1-arm Swing l/r (20 r/l)
20 reps 44k's Foot up Lunge l/r (10/10 r, 10/10 l)
50 Minute Bike ride (2 1/2 laps [to parking lot], 49 minutes)
May 9 Workout
3 minute static holds
Handstand 6x30 sec
Wall Sit w/24k's 4x45 sec
1-leg balance w/24k's 2x1:00 r/l
Chinup at 90 degree 30 sec ,6x15 sec,3x10 sec,8,7x2
Supine Bridge/PW Curl 30 sec ,20 sec x5,25 sec x2 w/25#s
Elbow Thinker 30 sec w/25 sec on PW, 2:30 minutes no resistance
Mountain Biking
Handstand 6x30 sec
Wall Sit w/24k's 4x45 sec
1-leg balance w/24k's 2x1:00 r/l
Chinup at 90 degree 30 sec ,6x15 sec,3x10 sec,8,7x2
Supine Bridge/PW Curl 30 sec ,20 sec x5,25 sec x2 w/25#s
Elbow Thinker 30 sec w/25 sec on PW, 2:30 minutes no resistance
Mountain Biking
May 7 Workout
15/15 10 minutes
Divebombers 6s = 60 total
Body Rows No Feet 3s = 30 total
Power Jumper 1 Red 9'2" 5s = 50 total
Swings 44k's 5s = 50 total
1 arm assisted pullups -15# r/l o/u x5
Divebombers 6s = 60 total
Body Rows No Feet 3s = 30 total
Power Jumper 1 Red 9'2" 5s = 50 total
Swings 44k's 5s = 50 total
1 arm assisted pullups -15# r/l o/u x5
May 4 Workout
Run ~450 yards
Lunge 50 yards
Run ~450 yards
Broad Jump 50 yards
Run ~450 yards
Wall Walk 50 yards (3 sets r/l)
Run ~450 yards
Pole Climb 20 poles (7.5, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 3.5)
~20 minutes
Lunge 50 yards
Run ~450 yards
Broad Jump 50 yards
Run ~450 yards
Wall Walk 50 yards (3 sets r/l)
Run ~450 yards
Pole Climb 20 poles (7.5, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 3.5)
~20 minutes
May 2 Workout
6x3 w/44k
Clean (r/l) 3,3,3,3,6
Push Press (r/l) 3,3,3,3,6
Swing (r/l) 3,3,3,9
Front Squat (r/l) 3,3,3,9
Snatch 3,3,3,3,6
Mountain Biking
Clean (r/l) 3,3,3,3,6
Push Press (r/l) 3,3,3,3,6
Swing (r/l) 3,3,3,9
Front Squat (r/l) 3,3,3,9
Snatch 3,3,3,3,6
Mountain Biking
April 30 Workout
Pushups 3PPU (pink?) 4x20 (20, 20, 10/10, 7/7/6) 80 total
Renegade Rows 44k's 4x20 (10/10, 10/10, 8/6/4/2, 8/6/6) 80 total (40 r/l)
Foot-Up Lunges 4x20 (10 r/l) BW, 12k's, 28k's, 44k's 80 total(40 r/l)
Box Step Ups (box 2) 4x20 (10 r/l) BW, 12k's, 28k's, 44k's 80 total (40 r/l)
PW Curl 3x20 60 total
PW Pike Ups 3x20 60 total
Renegade Rows 44k's 4x20 (10/10, 10/10, 8/6/4/2, 8/6/6) 80 total (40 r/l)
Foot-Up Lunges 4x20 (10 r/l) BW, 12k's, 28k's, 44k's 80 total(40 r/l)
Box Step Ups (box 2) 4x20 (10 r/l) BW, 12k's, 28k's, 44k's 80 total (40 r/l)
PW Curl 3x20 60 total
PW Pike Ups 3x20 60 total
April 27 Workout
1-arm Handstand Hold 6x~20 sec r/20 sec l (r felt more stable)
PW Rollout 5 count/5 reps x2 x3 30/30 total
Front Squat w/ 24k's 5 count/5 reps x2 x3 30/30 total
PW Curl w/ scuba belt 5 count/5 reps x6 30/30 total
1-arm pullup -20# assitance r/l o/u x5
PW Rollout 5 count/5 reps x2 x3 30/30 total
Front Squat w/ 24k's 5 count/5 reps x2 x3 30/30 total
PW Curl w/ scuba belt 5 count/5 reps x6 30/30 total
1-arm pullup -20# assitance r/l o/u x5
April 26 Workout
FIT class "BINGO"
Med Ball Exercises (Blue 5K)
50 High Throws
50 Chest Passes
50 Up Downs
50 Russian Twists
Box Exercises
100 Step Ups (50 r/l)
100 Box Squats
Jump Rope
300 forward
300 backward
75 doubles
Cable Exercises
50 Punches
30 Full Extension
50 Swimmers
Power Wheel
60 yards Crawling
35 Knees to Elbows
25 Pike Ups
25 Curls
50 Jumping Jacks/50 Jumping Jills
50 Skaters
50 Umpas
30 Burpees
Run 15 x25 yards
Inchworms 30 yards
Overhead Carry 100 pounds 200 yards
Crawling 30 yards f/b r/l (120 yards total)
Med Ball Exercises (Blue 5K)
50 High Throws
50 Chest Passes
50 Up Downs
50 Russian Twists
Box Exercises
100 Step Ups (50 r/l)
100 Box Squats
Jump Rope
300 forward
300 backward
75 doubles
Cable Exercises
50 Punches
30 Full Extension
50 Swimmers
Power Wheel
60 yards Crawling
35 Knees to Elbows
25 Pike Ups
25 Curls
50 Jumping Jacks/50 Jumping Jills
50 Skaters
50 Umpas
30 Burpees
Run 15 x25 yards
Inchworms 30 yards
Overhead Carry 100 pounds 200 yards
Crawling 30 yards f/b r/l (120 yards total)
April 23 Workout
Pullups +32k
1-leg deadlift r/l +44k's
Pushups 3-Green PPU
Jumping Rim Touches 5x5
1-arm pullup assisted -15# o/u r/l x5
Pullups +32k
1-leg deadlift r/l +44k's
Pushups 3-Green PPU
Jumping Rim Touches 5x5
1-arm pullup assisted -15# o/u r/l x5
April 21 Workout
10 minutes Run/Sldie/Crawl alternating in group of 3
10 minutes Agility Ladder
10 minutes Jump Rope 30 seconds rest/10 seconds singles/20 seconds doubles x10
10 minutes Agility Ladder
10 minutes Jump Rope 30 seconds rest/10 seconds singles/20 seconds doubles x10
April 20 Workout
D-ball Cleans 120#
D-ball Lunge 10 yards (10 steps) on shoulder
D-ball Push Press 120#
D-ball Carry
40 minutes
D-ball Cleans 120#
D-ball Lunge 10 yards (10 steps) on shoulder
D-ball Push Press 120#
D-ball Carry
40 minutes
April 19 Workout
100 yards wearing power sports trainer
Traveling Burpees
Crab Walk
Broad Jump
Frog Hops
Jump Rope
Mountain Biking
Gully, Switchbacks, Long Hill
Traveling Burpees
Crab Walk
Broad Jump
Frog Hops
Jump Rope
Mountain Biking
Gully, Switchbacks, Long Hill
April 18 Workout
Divebombers 40 # Vest 5x8, No vest 4x10 40/40 total
Pullups 40# vest 5x4,4 24 total, no vest 8s, 6s, 5s varying grips, 56 total 24/56 (80)
Lateral Jump Overs ~30" sets of 8 80 total.
PW Curl 4x20 80 total
Mountain Biking ~25 minutes
switchbacks, long hill
Pullups 40# vest 5x4,4 24 total, no vest 8s, 6s, 5s varying grips, 56 total 24/56 (80)
Lateral Jump Overs ~30" sets of 8 80 total.
PW Curl 4x20 80 total
Mountain Biking ~25 minutes
switchbacks, long hill
April 17 Workout
Yoga class
Rim Touches x12
Elver 8 laps in 20:17 2:45 intervals
Rim Touches x12
Elver 8 laps in 20:17 2:45 intervals
April 16 Workout
6x3 w/44k
Hang Cleans
Squats (1-arm racked)
Push Presses
Also got one Press with right arm in a couple attempts
Hang Cleans
Squats (1-arm racked)
Push Presses
Also got one Press with right arm in a couple attempts
april 11 Workout
Snowboarder Squats 10-12 28k
Walking Swings 36k 20
Lateral Handstand Walk ~10/~5 r/l +10 b
Pole Climb to ladder, up ladder back to pole 3, to pole 5, back to pole 2
Snowboarder Squats 10-12 28k
Walking Swings 36k 20
Lateral Handstand Walk ~10/~5 r/l +10 b
Pole Climb to ladder, up ladder back to pole 3, to pole 5, back to pole 2
April 9 Workout
120# D-ball Military Press 60 (3x3, 5x1, 23x2)
120# D-ball Clean 60 (31 before press, sets of 3-5)
2 28k's Foot up Lunges (box 2) 10x5, 10 r/l 60 total
Power Wheel Curl 60 3x20
Pullups 20k x5, 24k x5, 28k x5
Walk on Hands 5-10 yards
Rim Touches 10
120# D-ball Military Press 60 (3x3, 5x1, 23x2)
120# D-ball Clean 60 (31 before press, sets of 3-5)
2 28k's Foot up Lunges (box 2) 10x5, 10 r/l 60 total
Power Wheel Curl 60 3x20
Pullups 20k x5, 24k x5, 28k x5
Walk on Hands 5-10 yards
Rim Touches 10
April 6 Workout
30 minutes 4x thru
15 Handstand Pushups (2-6) (to top of head)
15 Body Row no Feet (4-5)
15 PW Rollouts w/ alternate leg pauses (4-10)
150's Jump Rope
15 Handstand Pushups (2-6) (to top of head)
15 Body Row no Feet (4-5)
15 PW Rollouts w/ alternate leg pauses (4-10)
150's Jump Rope
April 5 Workout
10 Rim Touches
100 Snatches 10 minutes w/40k
6/6, 3/3/3/3, 6/6, 6/6, 3/3, 3/3, 6/4, 2/3/3, 6/6, 5/5
5 minutes Jump Rope f/b 30/30
100 yards PW Crawl +50#'s - 5 minutes
100 Snatches 10 minutes w/40k
6/6, 3/3/3/3, 6/6, 6/6, 3/3, 3/3, 6/4, 2/3/3, 6/6, 5/5
5 minutes Jump Rope f/b 30/30
100 yards PW Crawl +50#'s - 5 minutes
April 4 Workout
30 minutes 5x circuit
10 80# D-ball Cleans
10 yard Carry Rack
10 80# D-ball Presses 5/5 each time
10 yard Carry Overhead
10 Lunges each side 80# D-ball Rack
100 yard Run
10 Broad Jump
40 yards Crawl
10 80# D-ball Cleans
10 yard Carry Rack
10 80# D-ball Presses 5/5 each time
10 yard Carry Overhead
10 Lunges each side 80# D-ball Rack
100 yard Run
10 Broad Jump
40 yards Crawl
April 3 Workout
15/15 10 sets each
Pushups PPU 1 Green 7s Total=70
Pullups 7s, 6 sets unbroken 4/3, 4/2/1, 3/2/2, 3/2/2 Total =70
Squats 24k's 7s Total =70
Swings 24k's 7s Total =70
No rest between Squats/Swings
Deadlift 95x5, 185x5, 275x5, 325x1x3, 385x0
Presses 95x5 Pullups 45x5
Presses 115x5 Pullups 55x5
Presses 135x5 Muscle Up from seat
Pushups PPU 1 Green 7s Total=70
Pullups 7s, 6 sets unbroken 4/3, 4/2/1, 3/2/2, 3/2/2 Total =70
Squats 24k's 7s Total =70
Swings 24k's 7s Total =70
No rest between Squats/Swings
Deadlift 95x5, 185x5, 275x5, 325x1x3, 385x0
Presses 95x5 Pullups 45x5
Presses 115x5 Pullups 55x5
Presses 135x5 Muscle Up from seat
March 31 Workout
Presses 20k's x5 Pullups 20k x5
Presses 24k's x5 Pullups 24k x5
Presses 28k's x5 Pullups 28k x5
Presses 32k's x5 Pullups 32k x5
Presses 36k's 9x1 every 30 sec Presses 36k 3x3
Presses 36k's x1 Pullups 2-24k's x6 every 30 sec
Presses 24k's x5 Pullups 24k x5
Presses 28k's x5 Pullups 28k x5
Presses 32k's x5 Pullups 32k x5
Presses 36k's 9x1 every 30 sec Presses 36k 3x3
Presses 36k's x1 Pullups 2-24k's x6 every 30 sec
March 30 Workout
Renegade Rows 10-1 44k (r/l) =55 total each side
Overhead Walking Lunge w/24k right =15 yards ~7 each side
Pushups 10-1 PPU 2 reds = 55 total
Overhead Walking Lunge w/24k left = 15 yards ~7 each side
~140 total lunges/300 yards
Overhead Walking Lunge w/24k right =15 yards ~7 each side
Pushups 10-1 PPU 2 reds = 55 total
Overhead Walking Lunge w/24k left = 15 yards ~7 each side
~140 total lunges/300 yards
March 29 Workout
Bent Press r/l 97# x10
One arm pullup r/l o/u x5
D-ball carry 4 laps alternating between 30# and 50#
Elver 8 laps 19:06 left every 2:30.
One arm pullup r/l o/u x5
D-ball carry 4 laps alternating between 30# and 50#
Elver 8 laps 19:06 left every 2:30.
March 28 Workout
5x10 yards handstand walking
Kipping Pullups 18,13,10,9,10
Pistols 3x5, 1-leg deck squats x5, 24kx5
Doubles ~50 fx3 ~20 bx2
5x10 yards handstand walking
Kipping Pullups 18,13,10,9,10
Pistols 3x5, 1-leg deck squats x5, 24kx5
Doubles ~50 fx3 ~20 bx2
March 27 Workout
No running, maybe Thursday
Press 95x5 Pullups 45x5
Press 115x5 Pullups 55x5
Press 135x5 Pullups 65x5
Press 150x3 Pullups 70x5
Press 150x2 Pullups 80x5
Deadlift 185x5,275x5,325x2,365x1
Press 95x5 Pullups 45x5
Press 115x5 Pullups 55x5
Press 135x5 Pullups 65x5
Press 150x3 Pullups 70x5
Press 150x2 Pullups 80x5
Deadlift 185x5,275x5,325x2,365x1
March 26 Workout
100 60# D-ball cleans 25/20/15/15/15/10
200 yards PW Crawl ~25x8
4 laps around building
100 offset body rows feet on box (50r/50l)
200 yards PW Crawl ~25x8
4 laps around building
100 offset body rows feet on box (50r/50l)
March 24 Workout
Presses 20k's x5 Pullups 20k x5
Presses 24k's x5 Pullups 24k x5
Presses 28k's x5 Pullups 28k x5
Presses 32k's x4/1 Pullups 32k x5
Presses 36k's 5x1 Pullups 36k x3/2
Yoga class
Presses 24k's x5 Pullups 24k x5
Presses 28k's x5 Pullups 28k x5
Presses 32k's x4/1 Pullups 32k x5
Presses 36k's 5x1 Pullups 36k x3/2
Yoga class
March 23 Workout
20 Pullups
20 Situps
Run around the Building
20 PPU Pushups 1 Red
Pullups 20,20,14/6, 12/7/1, 8/5/7
Pushups 20,10/10,10/10,10/5/5,10/8/2
20 Situps
Run around the Building
20 PPU Pushups 1 Red
Pullups 20,20,14/6, 12/7/1, 8/5/7
Pushups 20,10/10,10/10,10/5/5,10/8/2
March 21 Workout
Lots of attempts to push press 44k's, 40k's
6x3 w/90# d-ball presses -poor
6x3 w/90# d-ball cleans near wall
PW Crawl w/20#
40 yds/30 yds/20 yds/10 yds
PW Curl
6x3 w/90# d-ball presses -poor
6x3 w/90# d-ball cleans near wall
PW Crawl w/20#
40 yds/30 yds/20 yds/10 yds
PW Curl
March 17 Workout
Jerks w/ 24ks 34 in 1:51
Snatches w/ 24k 39/41 in ~5 minutes
D-ball cleans 100# 29, 30*
Jerks w/ 24ks 34 in 1:51
Snatches w/ 24k 39/41 in ~5 minutes
D-ball cleans 100# 29, 30*
March 16 Workout
Static Hold (5-10sec) -> Dynamic Movement (5-10 reps)
Incline Plane weighted -> Plyo Pushups
Pullup Hold at 90 degrees -> Clapping Pullups
Wall Sits -> Jump Squats
Forward Flexion w/ C-band -> 20k's Double Snatch
5x thru
Incline Plane weighted -> Plyo Pushups
Pullup Hold at 90 degrees -> Clapping Pullups
Wall Sits -> Jump Squats
Forward Flexion w/ C-band -> 20k's Double Snatch
5x thru
March 15 Workout
Jump Rope Doubles 1000 in 31 minutes
about 900 forward/100 backward
Forward in sets of 40s/60s/80s and one set of 100
about 900 forward/100 backward
Forward in sets of 40s/60s/80s and one set of 100
March 14 Workout
Body Rows Feet on Box
Hanging Leg Raises (10/5/5, 8/7, 10, 5)
Box Jumps 42" (not straight thru)
Dive bombers
Body Rows Feet on Box
Hanging Leg Raises (10/5/5, 8/7, 10, 5)
Box Jumps 42" (not straight thru)
Dive bombers
March 12 Workout
w/24k's w/Chad 1:1 rest intensity high
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 55 Total
23 minutes
Snatches w/24k 20 rpm 40/40
Jerks w/24k's 25
Snatches w/24k AFAP 17,17 ~30 seconds each
w/24k's w/Chad 1:1 rest intensity high
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 55 Total
23 minutes
Snatches w/24k 20 rpm 40/40
Jerks w/24k's 25
Snatches w/24k AFAP 17,17 ~30 seconds each
March 10 Workout
Snatch w/24k 40r/40l 15 rpm
Jerks w/24k 20
LC w/32k 5
Yoga class
Snatch 95, 135,
Clean and Jerk 145, 185
Back Squats 185, 235, 285
Snatch Pulls 95, 145, 165, 195
Lots of fails Snatch 145, Clean 185
Jerks w/24k 20
LC w/32k 5
Yoga class
Snatch 95, 135,
Clean and Jerk 145, 185
Back Squats 185, 235, 285
Snatch Pulls 95, 145, 165, 195
Lots of fails Snatch 145, Clean 185
March 9 Workout
10 Alligator Plyo Pushups
150 Jump Rope Forward
10 Pullups (kipping today)
150 Jump Rope Backward
10 Jump Lunges
150 Jump Rope Forward
10 Box Jumps 42"
150 Jump Rope Backward
3x/30 minutes
Additional round of 10 Alligator Pushups, 1 pole climb to ladder, 10 Jump Lunges, 10 box Jumps
900 Jump Rope Forward/900 Jump Rope Backward 1800
40 Alligator Plyo Pushups
30 Pullups
1 Pole Climb
40 Jump Lunges
40 Box Jumps
150 Jump Rope Forward
10 Pullups (kipping today)
150 Jump Rope Backward
10 Jump Lunges
150 Jump Rope Forward
10 Box Jumps 42"
150 Jump Rope Backward
3x/30 minutes
Additional round of 10 Alligator Pushups, 1 pole climb to ladder, 10 Jump Lunges, 10 box Jumps
900 Jump Rope Forward/900 Jump Rope Backward 1800
40 Alligator Plyo Pushups
30 Pullups
1 Pole Climb
40 Jump Lunges
40 Box Jumps
March 8 Workout
Snatches w/24k 40r/40l 15 rpm ~5:40
1-arm Pullup w/15# assistance o/u/l/r x5
10 yards Handstand Walk 2 unbroken
1-arm Pullup w/15# assistance o/u/l/r x5
10 yards Handstand Walk 2 unbroken
March 7 Workout
100# D-ball cleans
30 x2
D-ball press 9
D-ball squat 9
D-ball clean-squat 5
D-ball squat-press 5
D-ball clean-squat-press 4
32k kb clean-press 3
32k 1-arm clean-press 4r/4l
Jerks w/24k's
30x2 fast
w/36k x10l/10r
w/32k x15l/15r
Tuck Planche Hold 7s/8s/4s
Tuck Front Lever Hold 50/10
30 x2
D-ball press 9
D-ball squat 9
D-ball clean-squat 5
D-ball squat-press 5
D-ball clean-squat-press 4
32k kb clean-press 3
32k 1-arm clean-press 4r/4l
Jerks w/24k's
30x2 fast
w/36k x10l/10r
w/32k x15l/15r
Tuck Planche Hold 7s/8s/4s
Tuck Front Lever Hold 50/10
March 4 Workout
Pushups 15s for first 5 sets, finished w/75 more for a total of 150 in ~6 minutes
Body Rows 3s = 30 total
Jump to 18" w/ purple PJ 6s with 10 extra at end => 70 total
GS Swings 30l/30r/15x4 for 5 minutes total
44k 20/20
40k 20/20
36k 20/20
32k 20/20
Rest got longer than 15s as weight got lighter
Jerks 1-3 minutes between sets
w/24k's 19 10 rpm
w/24k's 15 12 rpm
w/24k's 15 15 rpm
w/24k's 20 20 rpm
w/44k 1,1,1,2 l, 2/3 r
w/40k 2/3 l, 5r
w/36k 5/3 l, 8r
w/32k 13l, 13r
Total 69 double/31 single (each arm) =100 total
Rack hold w/24k's 1:00+
Pushups 15s for first 5 sets, finished w/75 more for a total of 150 in ~6 minutes
Body Rows 3s = 30 total
Jump to 18" w/ purple PJ 6s with 10 extra at end => 70 total
GS Swings 30l/30r/15x4 for 5 minutes total
44k 20/20
40k 20/20
36k 20/20
32k 20/20
Rest got longer than 15s as weight got lighter
Jerks 1-3 minutes between sets
w/24k's 19 10 rpm
w/24k's 15 12 rpm
w/24k's 15 15 rpm
w/24k's 20 20 rpm
w/44k 1,1,1,2 l, 2/3 r
w/40k 2/3 l, 5r
w/36k 5/3 l, 8r
w/32k 13l, 13r
Total 69 double/31 single (each arm) =100 total
Rack hold w/24k's 1:00+
March 3 Workout
Swings w/24k 48r/48l ~6:30 15 rpm
Swings w/32k 23r/23l ~3:00 15 rpm
Double press w/40k
Front Lever Tuck Hold 1:00
Tuck Planche Hole 12,11,13,11,13
Swings w/32k 23r/23l ~3:00 15 rpm
Double press w/40k
Front Lever Tuck Hold 1:00
Tuck Planche Hole 12,11,13,11,13
March 2 Workout
Handstand Pushups with yoga blocks 6x3
Front Squats w/40k's 4x3, 3x2
Deadlift w/44k's r/l 6x3 (on each leg)
Rope Climb 9 trips
Front Squats w/40k's 4x3, 3x2
Deadlift w/44k's r/l 6x3 (on each leg)
Rope Climb 9 trips
March 1 Workout
Snatches 42l/31r ~6 minutes +11r
Jerks w/24k's 2x12
Clean and Jerks w/40k 10 minutes 72 reps 35/37 +5/3
Sets were 2s/3s
Jerks w/24k's 2x12
Clean and Jerks w/40k 10 minutes 72 reps 35/37 +5/3
Sets were 2s/3s
February 27 Workout
Snatches w/24k 42r/42l 15 rpm
GS Swings w/40k 42r/42l
GS Swings w/32k 42r/42l
Tuck Front Lever Hold 55/5
Tuck Planch Hold 10secx6
GS Swings w/40k 42r/42l
GS Swings w/32k 42r/42l
Tuck Front Lever Hold 55/5
Tuck Planch Hold 10secx6
February 26 Workout
3x5 30# D-ball Throw to Rafter FWD/BCKWRD
Snatches 45l/35r~6 minutes not sure why couldn't get last 10 on right.
Jerks w/24k's 18
Jerks w/24k's 13
Jerks w/36k 9r/9l, 10r/10l, 10r/10l
Rack Hold w/24k's 3:00
Snatches 45l/35r~6 minutes not sure why couldn't get last 10 on right.
Jerks w/24k's 18
Jerks w/24k's 13
Jerks w/36k 9r/9l, 10r/10l, 10r/10l
Rack Hold w/24k's 3:00
February 24 Workout
Yoga class
Lots of video samples - pullups/weighted pullups
doubles f/b, cleans/presses presses/push presses
1-arm snatches/double snatches
lunges/jump lunges
handstand walks
Snatches 95x5x2/115x5/135x3/145x1
Cleans 95x3/135x3x2/185x1/200x1
Fr Squats 185x2/2/2/4
Tuck Front Lever Hold 45/15
Tuck Planche Hold 7x7,6,5
Lots of video samples - pullups/weighted pullups
doubles f/b, cleans/presses presses/push presses
1-arm snatches/double snatches
lunges/jump lunges
handstand walks
Snatches 95x5x2/115x5/135x3/145x1
Cleans 95x3/135x3x2/185x1/200x1
Fr Squats 185x2/2/2/4
Tuck Front Lever Hold 45/15
Tuck Planche Hold 7x7,6,5
February 23 Workout
TNT Cable Press 5x5 w/2 Green Cables
Pullups 5x5 x/32k
Foot Up Lunge r/l 8,8,9 8,5/3,6/3
Snatches w/40k r/l 5x4, w/97 rx5, lx1x5 (poor)
TNT Cable Press 5x5 w/2 Green Cables
Pullups 5x5 x/32k
Foot Up Lunge r/l 8,8,9 8,5/3,6/3
Snatches w/40k r/l 5x4, w/97 rx5, lx1x5 (poor)
February 22 Workout
Snatches w/20k
~45 l/45 r 5 min 18 rpm
Jerks w/24k's 19 or 20 10 rpm
w/32k 11l/11r 1 minute each
w/32k 11l/11r 1 minute each
w/24k's 2:30 rack hold
1-arm Pullup w/15 pounds assistance r/l/o/u x5
Tuck Planche Hold 6,6,6,6,8,8,10,10 sec
Jump Rope
~45 l/45 r 5 min 18 rpm
Jerks w/24k's 19 or 20 10 rpm
w/32k 11l/11r 1 minute each
w/32k 11l/11r 1 minute each
w/24k's 2:30 rack hold
1-arm Pullup w/15 pounds assistance r/l/o/u x5
Tuck Planche Hold 6,6,6,6,8,8,10,10 sec
Jump Rope
February 21 Workout
100 yards walking lunges
100 yards Broad Jumps (30/30/30/10)
100 yards handstand walks (10s, 8s, 5s, lateral 8s/10s r/l)
(about 60/20r/20l lateral against wall)
20 poles climb (4/3/2/3/2/2/4)
100 yards Broad Jumps (30/30/30/10)
100 yards handstand walks (10s, 8s, 5s, lateral 8s/10s r/l)
(about 60/20r/20l lateral against wall)
20 poles climb (4/3/2/3/2/2/4)
February 20 Workout
Yoga class
Jerks w/24k's
17 reps 10 rpm
13 reps 10 rpm
w/32k's 5 reps
w/36k 8r/7l
Rack Hold w/24k's 2:30
Snatches w/24k
42r/39 l 15 rpm
81 total in 5:15
21/15/9 95# Thrusters/Pullups 5:38
Thrusters 21,11/4,9, Pullups 7/7/7,5/5/4/1,3/2/2/1/1
Deadlifts 95, 185, 235x3, 275x3, 325x3, 350,350
Jerks w/24k's
17 reps 10 rpm
13 reps 10 rpm
w/32k's 5 reps
w/36k 8r/7l
Rack Hold w/24k's 2:30
Snatches w/24k
42r/39 l 15 rpm
81 total in 5:15
21/15/9 95# Thrusters/Pullups 5:38
Thrusters 21,11/4,9, Pullups 7/7/7,5/5/4/1,3/2/2/1/1
Deadlifts 95, 185, 235x3, 275x3, 325x3, 350,350
February 18 Workout
Sunday night
Set 1: 100# d-ball
Minute 1: 25 D-ball Cleans
Minute 2: Jump Rope Forward (no count)
Minute 3: 15 D-ball Cleans (10/5)
Minute 4: Jump Rope Backward (no count)
Set 2: 100# d-ball
Minute 1: 20 D-ball Press (10/10)
Minute 2: Jump Rope Forward (no count)
Minute 3: 15 D-ball Press (8/7)
Minute 4: Jump Rope Backward (no count)
Set 3: 100# d-ball/44k kettlebell
Minute 1: 18 D-ball Fr. Squat (10/8)
Minute 2: 40 1-arm Swings (10r/10l/10r/10l)
Minute 3: 12 D-ball Fr. Squat (6/6)
Minute 4: 30 1-arm Swings (10r/10l,5r/5l)
Set 4:
Minute 1: 40 yards PW Crawl
Minute 2: 20 Pikeups (10/10)
Minute 3: 40 yards PW Crawl (30/10)
Minute 4: 20 Pikeups (10/10)
Set 1: 100# d-ball
Minute 1: 25 D-ball Cleans
Minute 2: Jump Rope Forward (no count)
Minute 3: 15 D-ball Cleans (10/5)
Minute 4: Jump Rope Backward (no count)
Set 2: 100# d-ball
Minute 1: 20 D-ball Press (10/10)
Minute 2: Jump Rope Forward (no count)
Minute 3: 15 D-ball Press (8/7)
Minute 4: Jump Rope Backward (no count)
Set 3: 100# d-ball/44k kettlebell
Minute 1: 18 D-ball Fr. Squat (10/8)
Minute 2: 40 1-arm Swings (10r/10l/10r/10l)
Minute 3: 12 D-ball Fr. Squat (6/6)
Minute 4: 30 1-arm Swings (10r/10l,5r/5l)
Set 4:
Minute 1: 40 yards PW Crawl
Minute 2: 20 Pikeups (10/10)
Minute 3: 40 yards PW Crawl (30/10)
Minute 4: 20 Pikeups (10/10)
February 17 Workout
GS sets
3x1 minute Jerks w/24k x12 each
1:15 around 15
handful of single arm jerks w/24,32,36
Snatches 24k 42r/40l just under 6 minutes
82 total
3x1 minute Jerks w/24k x12 each
1:15 around 15
handful of single arm jerks w/24,32,36
Snatches 24k 42r/40l just under 6 minutes
82 total
February 16 Workout
10 minutes 1-arm Cleans and Presses
6 sets right and left 3 each side w/36k. 1st set all Military Presses, rest 1 MP, 2 PP.
Total 18 each arm. ~8 MP/10 PP
10 minutes step-ups and 1-legged deadleft
5 sets each
1-legged deadleft r/l x4 w/36k's
1-legged step-ups r/l x4 w/32k's
Stepped all the way down from 24" box.
Total 20 of each.
6 sets right and left 3 each side w/36k. 1st set all Military Presses, rest 1 MP, 2 PP.
Total 18 each arm. ~8 MP/10 PP
10 minutes step-ups and 1-legged deadleft
5 sets each
1-legged deadleft r/l x4 w/36k's
1-legged step-ups r/l x4 w/32k's
Stepped all the way down from 24" box.
Total 20 of each.
February 15 Workout
Snatches w/24k 40l/34 r, 12 rpm. 74 total ~6:10 duration right hand couldn't finish intended 6 more.
Jerks w/24k's 2 sets ~12, 1:00 total.
Sprinting 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 lengths of floor. 64 total ~750 yards
Front Lever Tuck Hold 55,5.
Tuck Planche Hold 4s,5s,7s total of ~60. Hard.
Jerks w/24k's 2 sets ~12, 1:00 total.
Sprinting 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 lengths of floor. 64 total ~750 yards
Front Lever Tuck Hold 55,5.
Tuck Planche Hold 4s,5s,7s total of ~60. Hard.
February 14 Workout
20 Pullups 20, 10/10, 10/10, 10/10, 10/9/1
20 Situps 20 x5
150 Jump Rope Green rope forward/backward x5
20 Pushups 1-red 20, 10/10, 10/10, 10/10, 10/10
29 minutes
100 pullups, 100 situps, 100 pushups, 1500 jump ropes
Set of Jerks w/24k's~23 in 3 minutes
1 minute rest ~12 w/24k's in 1 minute
3 minute rest ~10 w/32k's in 1 minute
Set of Snatches w/24k 10 rpm 32 r/32 l, 64 total in 6:40.
Pace too slow
20 Situps 20 x5
150 Jump Rope Green rope forward/backward x5
20 Pushups 1-red 20, 10/10, 10/10, 10/10, 10/10
29 minutes
100 pullups, 100 situps, 100 pushups, 1500 jump ropes
Set of Jerks w/24k's~23 in 3 minutes
1 minute rest ~12 w/24k's in 1 minute
3 minute rest ~10 w/32k's in 1 minute
Set of Snatches w/24k 10 rpm 32 r/32 l, 64 total in 6:40.
Pace too slow
February 13 Workout
Yoga class
1-arm Snatches 44k r/l 1/2/3/1/2/1 10 total each arm.
Frog Stand Hold 60
1-arm Snatches 44k r/l 1/2/3/1/2/1 10 total each arm.
Frog Stand Hold 60
February 11 Workout
Jump Ropes w/ 14 Lunges in between
Forward 150,130,110,90,70,50,30,10
Backward 140,120,100,80,60,40,20
Total -640 Forward,560 Backward,~210 Lunges
10->1 Pikeups w/ PW Crawl in between
Total 55 Pikeups, 10 lengths of Crawl
5 minutes Run/Run or Slide/Slide ~1/3 of time
Approx 7 turns
20/15/10/5 (approx breakdown of reps) Total 50
Touch and Jump ~9' 10/10, 10/5, 10, 5 Red PPJ
Handstand Pushup 5/4/3/2/3/3, 5/4/2/1/3, 4/2/4, 5
Body Rows (no feet) 5/4/3/2/3/3, 5/4/3/2/1, 5/3/2, 5
PW Pikeups 20/15/10/5
PW Curls 20/15/10/5
Jump Ropes w/ 14 Lunges in between
Forward 150,130,110,90,70,50,30,10
Backward 140,120,100,80,60,40,20
Total -640 Forward,560 Backward,~210 Lunges
10->1 Pikeups w/ PW Crawl in between
Total 55 Pikeups, 10 lengths of Crawl
5 minutes Run/Run or Slide/Slide ~1/3 of time
Approx 7 turns
20/15/10/5 (approx breakdown of reps) Total 50
Touch and Jump ~9' 10/10, 10/5, 10, 5 Red PPJ
Handstand Pushup 5/4/3/2/3/3, 5/4/2/1/3, 4/2/4, 5
Body Rows (no feet) 5/4/3/2/3/3, 5/4/3/2/1, 5/3/2, 5
PW Pikeups 20/15/10/5
PW Curls 20/15/10/5
February 9 Workout
Swings 1-arm (1/2 on each side) 44k
Squat (offset clean to 1 side) 44k
Pushups 2 Red PPU
Swings 1-arm (1/2 on each side) 44k
Squat (offset clean to 1 side) 44k
Pushups 2 Red PPU
February 7 Workout
4 laps, 3 laps, 2 laps, 1 lap
Overhead Walk 32k's 2/2,2/1,2,1
Rack Walk 32k's 2/2, 3, 2,1
Walking Lunges
Broad Jump
Farmers Walk 32k's 4/3/2/1 laps alternating w/ run
Total 250 yards, 1250 yards Running
Overhead Walk 32k's 2/2,2/1,2,1
Rack Walk 32k's 2/2, 3, 2,1
Walking Lunges
Broad Jump
Farmers Walk 32k's 4/3/2/1 laps alternating w/ run
Total 250 yards, 1250 yards Running
February 6 Workout
Yoga Class
Frog Hold 60
Tuck Front Lever 40,20
Deadlifts 95x5, 135x5, 185x5, 235 x3, 275x3, 325x1x3
Thrusters 95 6/19/10/10/5 50 total
Back Squat 185 3x5
Swings Light 35x50 (8/8r/8l/8r/8l/10)
Frog Hold 60
Tuck Front Lever 40,20
Deadlifts 95x5, 135x5, 185x5, 235 x3, 275x3, 325x1x3
Thrusters 95 6/19/10/10/5 50 total
Back Squat 185 3x5
Swings Light 35x50 (8/8r/8l/8r/8l/10)
February 5 Workout
1-arm Floor Press 5x5 w/ 36k
1-arm Pullup -25# 5 x o/u r/l
23 pullups after clients
1-arm Pullup -25# 5 x o/u r/l
23 pullups after clients
February 4 Workout
5 minutes Cleans and Push Presses
5 40k's C/PP, 5 Cable Cleans/5 Cable Presses 2 Greens, 5 120# D-ball C/PP, 5 40k's C/PP (4/1)
1 minute Jump Rope forward ~150, 1 minute rest
5 minutes Cleans and Push Presses
5 Cable Cleans/5 Cable Presses 2 Greens, 5 120# D-ball C/PP, 5 40k's C/PP (4/1), 5 Cable Cleans/5 Cable Presses 2 Greens
1 minute 42" Box Jumps 8, 1 minute rest
5 minutes Cleans and Push Presses
5 120# D-ball C/PP, 5 40k's C/PP (3/2), 5 Cable Cleans/5 Cable Presses 2 Greens, 5 120# D-ball C/PP
1 minute Jump Rope backward ~150, 1 minute rest
5 minutes Cleans and Push Presses
5 40k's C/PP, 5 Cable Cleans/5 Cable Presses 2 Greens. 5 120# D-ball C/PP
1 minute 42" Box Jumps 12, 1 minute rest
Total:28 minutes
5x5 C/PP 40k's
5x5 Cable Cleans (green each side)/5x5 Cable Presses (2 greens)
5x5 C/PP 120# D-ball
150 f/b jump rope
20 box jumps 42"
Yoga @home
1-arm Floor Press 5x5 w/ 36k
1-arm Pullup -25# 5 x o/u r/l
23 pullups after clients
5 40k's C/PP, 5 Cable Cleans/5 Cable Presses 2 Greens, 5 120# D-ball C/PP, 5 40k's C/PP (4/1)
1 minute Jump Rope forward ~150, 1 minute rest
5 minutes Cleans and Push Presses
5 Cable Cleans/5 Cable Presses 2 Greens, 5 120# D-ball C/PP, 5 40k's C/PP (4/1), 5 Cable Cleans/5 Cable Presses 2 Greens
1 minute 42" Box Jumps 8, 1 minute rest
5 minutes Cleans and Push Presses
5 120# D-ball C/PP, 5 40k's C/PP (3/2), 5 Cable Cleans/5 Cable Presses 2 Greens, 5 120# D-ball C/PP
1 minute Jump Rope backward ~150, 1 minute rest
5 minutes Cleans and Push Presses
5 40k's C/PP, 5 Cable Cleans/5 Cable Presses 2 Greens. 5 120# D-ball C/PP
1 minute 42" Box Jumps 12, 1 minute rest
Total:28 minutes
5x5 C/PP 40k's
5x5 Cable Cleans (green each side)/5x5 Cable Presses (2 greens)
5x5 C/PP 120# D-ball
150 f/b jump rope
20 box jumps 42"
Yoga @home
1-arm Floor Press 5x5 w/ 36k
1-arm Pullup -25# 5 x o/u r/l
23 pullups after clients
February 2 Workout
15/15 Workout
10 minutes alternating Swings/Jump Lunges
Swings 44k 10x10 = 100 total
Jump Lunges Purple PJ 5 r/l x10 = 50 r/l total
10 minutes alternating Pushups/Pullups
Pushups w/1 Red PPU 7x10 = 70 total
Pullups 7 x10 = 70 total
10 minutes alternating Swings/Jump Lunges
Swings 44k 10x10 = 100 total
Jump Lunges Purple PJ 5 r/l x10 = 50 r/l total
10 minutes alternating Pushups/Pullups
Pushups w/1 Red PPU 7x10 = 70 total
Pullups 7 x10 = 70 total
February 1 Workout
Frog Hold 40, 20
Tuck Front Lever Hold 30, 30
Shuttle Run Run, Slide, Crawl 8x/8 minutes
Tuck Front Lever Hold 30, 30
Shuttle Run Run, Slide, Crawl 8x/8 minutes
January 31 Workout
Double Snatches 24k's 2x5, 28k's 3x5
1-leg squat r/l (no weight, knee touch) 3x5
Pistols r/l 24k 2x5
One-arm Punches r/l 2 yellows x5, 2 greens x5
One arm Pushups r/l 3x5
Body Rows (no feet) 5x5
5-6 singles Double Cleans w/44k's.
1 single Double Push Press w/44k's (on about 8-9 attempts)
Yoga @home
#Trainer 10 r/l
#1 3 r/l
Double Snatches 24k's 2x5, 28k's 3x5
1-leg squat r/l (no weight, knee touch) 3x5
Pistols r/l 24k 2x5
One-arm Punches r/l 2 yellows x5, 2 greens x5
One arm Pushups r/l 3x5
Body Rows (no feet) 5x5
5-6 singles Double Cleans w/44k's.
1 single Double Push Press w/44k's (on about 8-9 attempts)
Yoga @home
#Trainer 10 r/l
#1 3 r/l
January 30 Workout
Yoga @home
Elver hill Run up/Sled down
10 in 19:13. Sledding took more out of me, than I thought, still that's covering more ground than ever before.
Frog Hold 24, 30, 10 seconds
Tuck Front Lever Hold 30, 24, 10 seconds
Elver hill Run up/Sled down
10 in 19:13. Sledding took more out of me, than I thought, still that's covering more ground than ever before.
Frog Hold 24, 30, 10 seconds
Tuck Front Lever Hold 30, 24, 10 seconds
January 29 Workout
TGU w/44k 10 r/l all singles
OA Pullup assisted -25# 5 r/l o/u
Yoga @ home
Trainer r/l 9,8,7,6
#1 r/l 5,4,3,2 (left needed help)
#2 r/l 1 (a little help on right, lots on left)
OA Pullup assisted -25# 5 r/l o/u
Yoga @ home
Trainer r/l 9,8,7,6
#1 r/l 5,4,3,2 (left needed help)
#2 r/l 1 (a little help on right, lots on left)
January 28 Workout
100 D-ball Cleans (from ground), Front Squat, Press
Yoga @ home
100 D-ball Cleans (from ground), Front Squat, Press
Yoga @ home
January 26 Workout
Wearing 40# X-vest
Body Rows (feet up on box)
Step Ups
PW Pikeup+Rocker
PW Curl
20 reps, 15 reps, 10 reps, 5 reps (50 total)
(step ups 10,8,5,2 l/r)
Body Rows (feet up on box)
Step Ups
PW Pikeup+Rocker
PW Curl
20 reps, 15 reps, 10 reps, 5 reps (50 total)
(step ups 10,8,5,2 l/r)
January 24 Workout
Clean and Press 10 minutes w/ 24k's 85 total.
All sets of 5 on a 30/30 pace. Skipped 3 sets (otherwise gunning towards 100)
The first 25 reps were C/MP, the rest C/push press.
After a few minutes, set of 5 and a set of 10 to get 100 total.
Walking Lunges w/44k's. 100 steps total.
Sets of 14,14,14,8/6,8/6,10/5,7/6/2. Approximately 110 yards.
Alternated w/ Broad Jump ~2 yards each. 50 total.
Sets of 8,8,8,8, approximately 110 yards.
All sets of 5 on a 30/30 pace. Skipped 3 sets (otherwise gunning towards 100)
The first 25 reps were C/MP, the rest C/push press.
After a few minutes, set of 5 and a set of 10 to get 100 total.
Walking Lunges w/44k's. 100 steps total.
Sets of 14,14,14,8/6,8/6,10/5,7/6/2. Approximately 110 yards.
Alternated w/ Broad Jump ~2 yards each. 50 total.
Sets of 8,8,8,8, approximately 110 yards.
January 23 Workout
Yoga class
Floor Press 32k's 5x5
Renegade Rows 32k's 5x5
Ft elevated 12"
Was going to do C/MP but the floor presses took it out of me.
Elver 4 laps 12 minutes, cold, snowy.
Floor Press 32k's 5x5
Renegade Rows 32k's 5x5
Ft elevated 12"
Was going to do C/MP but the floor presses took it out of me.
Elver 4 laps 12 minutes, cold, snowy.
January 22 Workout
Pushups (elevated) 28k around waist, bag on neck- 5x4, 4x5
Pullups (neutral grip) 28k around waist 10x4
Snatches 20k's 20, 15, 5 (either do 20x2, or go heavier)
Box Jumps 3x10, 2x5
PPJ/height 1-red/24", 2-red/24", 3-red/24", 3-red/30"x2
Weighted Pullups a little disappointing.
Some singles w/ 79's C/MP
Pushups (elevated) 28k around waist, bag on neck- 5x4, 4x5
Pullups (neutral grip) 28k around waist 10x4
Snatches 20k's 20, 15, 5 (either do 20x2, or go heavier)
Box Jumps 3x10, 2x5
PPJ/height 1-red/24", 2-red/24", 3-red/24", 3-red/30"x2
Weighted Pullups a little disappointing.
Some singles w/ 79's C/MP
January 19 Workout
all Double KB exercises - 32k's
Cleans 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
Mil Presses 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
Fr Squat 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
Swings 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
Heavy, but not pushing it.
Sore coming in.
all Double KB exercises - 32k's
Cleans 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
Mil Presses 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
Fr Squat 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
Swings 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
Heavy, but not pushing it.
Sore coming in.
January 18 Workout
"+" drill all 2 foot jumps, 1-2-3-4-5-6-5-4-3-2-1
Jump Rope Doubles alternated w ~5-6 Broad Jumps between each set.
60f, 55b, 50f, 45b, 40f, 35b, 30f, 25b, 20f, 15b, 10f, 5b ~15 minutes
210 total forward, 180 total backwards
Sit-Up Reach w/ 5kg MB 12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 = 78 total
Jump Rope Doubles alternated w ~5-6 Broad Jumps between each set.
60f, 55b, 50f, 45b, 40f, 35b, 30f, 25b, 20f, 15b, 10f, 5b ~15 minutes
210 total forward, 180 total backwards
Sit-Up Reach w/ 5kg MB 12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 = 78 total
January 17 Workout
5x5 Workout
1-leg Deadlift (starting from up position, not breaking off floor)
Foot-up Lunge (fairly narrow stance)
Pushups (off blance ball) 2x5
Pushups PPU 3 Greens 5x5
Pullups (neutral grip) +44k 12x2 +1 = 25 Total
1-leg Deadlift (starting from up position, not breaking off floor)
Foot-up Lunge (fairly narrow stance)
Pushups (off blance ball) 2x5
Pushups PPU 3 Greens 5x5
Pullups (neutral grip) +44k 12x2 +1 = 25 Total
January 16 Workout
Yoga class in the morning
Elver 6 laps of alternate hill (west of regular hill)
3 minutes 17:20 at the end.
Cold ~20s, snow
Elver 6 laps of alternate hill (west of regular hill)
3 minutes 17:20 at the end.
Cold ~20s, snow
January 15 Workout
15/15 6 minutes each
Handstand Pushups off Yoga Block (but not quite to floor)
12 x2 +1 =25 Total (fell in between reps about 3 sets)
Body Rows off Floor
12 x2 +1 =25 Total
PW Curls
8x8, 9x4 = 100 Total
PW Crawl
~16 yds x 12 = 192 yards total (8 laps)
Clean and Military Press (5x5) 32k's
5,5,5,4,6 (missed #5 on set 4, did 6 after 10 minute break)
Handstand Pushups off Yoga Block (but not quite to floor)
12 x2 +1 =25 Total (fell in between reps about 3 sets)
Body Rows off Floor
12 x2 +1 =25 Total
PW Curls
8x8, 9x4 = 100 Total
PW Crawl
~16 yds x 12 = 192 yards total (8 laps)
Clean and Military Press (5x5) 32k's
5,5,5,4,6 (missed #5 on set 4, did 6 after 10 minute break)
January 12 Workout
Class - Card Deck - 104 reps of each
Wore 40# X-vest.
Hindu Pushups - easy until end
Body Rows - very easy, probably should have elevated feet.
Jump Squats - again fairly easy
C-band extensions (purple) - surprisingly hard.
Wore 40# X-vest.
Hindu Pushups - easy until end
Body Rows - very easy, probably should have elevated feet.
Jump Squats - again fairly easy
C-band extensions (purple) - surprisingly hard.
January 11 Workout
Clean and Military Press 32k's 5x5 (just enough for 5 on last one)
300 yards PW Crawl ~7 minutes
~2000 Jump Rope (f/b) green heavy rope~18 minutes
Final 30 seconds Doubles (no misses ~50)
FSQ attempts 44k's (2) 2nd attempt successful*
(* don't know how deep though)
300 yards PW Crawl ~7 minutes
~2000 Jump Rope (f/b) green heavy rope~18 minutes
Final 30 seconds Doubles (no misses ~50)
FSQ attempts 44k's (2) 2nd attempt successful*
(* don't know how deep though)
January 10 Workout
8 minutes Pullups
(rotating between pronated/supinated/neutral grip)
15/15 for 7 minutes 6 each (6x14), last minute 6,4,4 = 100 Total
5 minutes Pushups
15/15 for 2 minutes 15 x4
10/10 for 2 minutes 10 x6
Final minute 9,9,12
150 Total
(rotating between pronated/supinated/neutral grip)
15/15 for 7 minutes 6 each (6x14), last minute 6,4,4 = 100 Total
5 minutes Pushups
15/15 for 2 minutes 15 x4
10/10 for 2 minutes 10 x6
Final minute 9,9,12
150 Total
January 9 Workout
3000 Jump Rope, 1500 f/1500 b, 300 yards of PW Crawl about 33 minutes.
10 minutes sprinting 12 yd - shuttle x5 about 1/3 of time ~10 x5
6 laps every 2:30 finished in 14:30
Temp Very Cold ~25 w/wind.
10 minutes sprinting 12 yd - shuttle x5 about 1/3 of time ~10 x5
6 laps every 2:30 finished in 14:30
Temp Very Cold ~25 w/wind.
January 8 Workout
Concentrating on feedback and integrity of position for hold, then explosive.
5 second Pushup hold @90 degree w/ red PPU
-> 5 Clapping Pushups repeat 3x
5 second Pullup hold @90 degeree
-> 5 Gorilla Pullups repeat 3x in a row
5 second Squat hold w/195#
-> 5 Box Jumps to 30" repeat 3x in a row
15 Broad Jumps 2 yellow bands
Repeat entire circuit twice.
Would work better with partner feedback
C/MP ~35 reps w/53s high pace ~3:30 (pace 100 in 10 minutes)
5 second Pushup hold @90 degree w/ red PPU
-> 5 Clapping Pushups repeat 3x
5 second Pullup hold @90 degeree
-> 5 Gorilla Pullups repeat 3x in a row
5 second Squat hold w/195#
-> 5 Box Jumps to 30" repeat 3x in a row
15 Broad Jumps 2 yellow bands
Repeat entire circuit twice.
Would work better with partner feedback
C/MP ~35 reps w/53s high pace ~3:30 (pace 100 in 10 minutes)
January 6 Workout
Jump Rope 20/10 (Doubles ~10 seconds 6x) 5 minutes total
30 Muscle Ups 8:14
30 Muscle Ups 8:14
January 5 Workout
15 minutes AMAP, repeat
PW Curls
PW Pikeups
alternating sets of 5, 13 total = 65 reps each
HSPU off yoga blocks
Body Rows feet off ground
alternating sets of 2, 12 total = 24 reps of each
Clean 44k's 2 singles
PW Curls
PW Pikeups
alternating sets of 5, 13 total = 65 reps each
HSPU off yoga blocks
Body Rows feet off ground
alternating sets of 2, 12 total = 24 reps of each
Clean 44k's 2 singles
January 4 Workout
25 minutes FIT class...
15-20-25-20-15 reps.
Jump Squats
Touchdowns (3k)
Burpees (w/pushups)
Swimmers (yellow)
Run-in-place (x5)
Easy w/class.
15-20-25-20-15 reps.
Jump Squats
Touchdowns (3k)
Burpees (w/pushups)
Swimmers (yellow)
Run-in-place (x5)
Easy w/class.
January 3 Workout
1-arm Cleans --44k (r/l) 1-2-3-4-5-6-5-4-3-2-1
(first 3 sets with 36k)
1-arm Press --36k (r/l) 1-2-3-4-3-2-1
(sets 1-2-3 MP, all others PP/Jerk)
Pistol --24k (r/l) 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
1-leg Deadlift --36k's (r/l) 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
Hill Running
7 to fence every 3 minutes to bottom on last one in about 19:15. Temp mid 40's/dark
1-arm Cleans --44k (r/l) 1-2-3-4-5-6-5-4-3-2-1
(first 3 sets with 36k)
1-arm Press --36k (r/l) 1-2-3-4-3-2-1
(sets 1-2-3 MP, all others PP/Jerk)
Pistol --24k (r/l) 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
1-leg Deadlift --36k's (r/l) 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1
Hill Running
7 to fence every 3 minutes to bottom on last one in about 19:15. Temp mid 40's/dark
January 2 Workout
Yoga class
-prone mountain flexion at knee/ankle rotation
partner work -> kneeling mountain.
Chest felt good. (intercostal issue again?)
-prone mountain flexion at knee/ankle rotation
partner work -> kneeling mountain.
Chest felt good. (intercostal issue again?)
January 1 Workout
5 minutes pullups 9 x6, 1 x5/1
5 minutes jumping 10 x5 --
2 ft takeoffs, 1 step (right/left alternating each set) -- 1 red PJ
5 minutes squats 10 x15
5 minutes pushups 4 x15, 10, sets of 5/4
(until 6:30 and total of 150 reps. )
2.5 minutes PW rollouts 5x5
2.5 minutes PW pikeups 5x5
5 minutes pullups 9 x6, 1 x5/1
5 minutes jumping 10 x5 --
2 ft takeoffs, 1 step (right/left alternating each set) -- 1 red PJ
5 minutes squats 10 x15
5 minutes pushups 4 x15, 10, sets of 5/4
(until 6:30 and total of 150 reps. )
2.5 minutes PW rollouts 5x5
2.5 minutes PW pikeups 5x5
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