
December 5 Workout

1 minute each/1 minute rest 15 minutes total.

Snatch 10 left/10 right 20 total w/44k switched at 30 seconds
Split Squats 24k’s 24 total
Handstand Pushups 5/4/3 12 total
Pullups 28,
Cleans 24k’s (tried to kill momentum at the bottom, but didn’t touch floor) 20 total
Push Presses 24k’s 10/10 20 total.
PW Curls 30 total
PW Rollouts 24 total

1:30 rest
:30 seconds each/:30 seconds rest for 8 minutes (25 minutes total)

Snatch 5 l/ 5 r 10 total w/44k
Split Squats: 14 w/24k’s
Handstand Pushups: 8
Pullups: 15
Cleans: 12 w/24k’s
Push Presses: 12 w/24k’s
PW Curls: 15
PW Rollouts: 14

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