
February 27 Workout

PW plyo pushups 5x10
PW Curls 4x10
42" box jumps 8x5
plyo pullups 8x5

February 26 Workout



February 25 Workout

Clean-Squat-Press 40k's 25 reps (clean-squat 30 total)
3x2, 2x9, 1
Muscle Ups 25 reps

100 swings 24k
1 foot jumps

2 bands/1 band/0 band
Box Jumps 24" 10s
Depth Jumps 24" 16
Lateral Jumps 22" 10s
Broad Jump ~30 yards 12/12/10

1-arm asst pullups -20# 5 sets
handstand pushups 5x3

February 24 Workout

1000 jump rope doubles forward ~30 minutes


February 23 Workout

Resisted Running 20/10 x10
Resisted Lateral Slid 20/10 x10

Jumping (red/magenta, red, zero, sets of 8)
2/0, 2/1, 2/2 9'5"-9'7"
1/0, 1/1, 1/2 9'8"-9'10"
0/0, 0/1, 0/2 9'10"-10'1"

Broad Jumps
2/1/0 30 yards (12/12/10)

Pullups +40k 5x5
Presses 36k's 3x2, 3x3

Febuary 22 Workout

30 Muscle Ups 10 minutes
Rower <2 min/500 20+ minutes

February 21 Workout

Med Ball Dunk (sets of 8) 3k, 4k, 5k
"+" Drill 5 minutes

Jumping (red/magenta, red, zero, sets of 8)
2/0, 2/1, 2/2 9'5"-9'7"
1/0, 1/1, 1/2 9'8"-9'10"
0/0, 0/1, 0/2 9'10"-10'1"

Lateral Jumps ~22" 2/1/0 sets of 10 r/l

Floor Press 40k's 5x5
1-arm assisted pullups -20# 5 sets

February 20 Workout

Handstand Walk 100 yards
Pole Climbs

Deadlifts 385#

February 19 Workout

ABC Ladder 5 minutes
Form Running

Jumping (red/magenta, red, zero, sets of 8)
2/0, 2/1, 2/2 9'5"-9'7"
1/0, 1/1, 1/2 9'8"-9'10"
0/0, 0/1, 0/2 9'10"-10'

Depth Jumps 24" 2/1/0 sets of 16

Push Presses 36k's 5x5
Hip Slaps Pole Climbs 5x5 r/l


February 18 Workout

PPU Pushups (2 greens)
Pullups 40k
1-leg deadlift 44k

February 17 Workout

Jump Rope 30 2f/2b/altf/altb/lf/rf/lb/rb/doub-f/doub-b
Box Jumps 12" 20 reps/20 sec x3

Jumping (red/magenta, red, zero, sets of 8)
2/0, 2/1, 2/2 9'5"-9'7"
1/0, 1/1, 1/2 9'8"-9'10"
0/0, 0/1, 0/2 9'10"-10'

Box Jumps 24" 2/1/0 sets of 10

Presses 40k 5r, 5l (push press and slow down, not all the way back to rack before pressing up again)
1-arm asst pullup 20# 5 sets

February 15 Workout

5 minutes C/P, 1 minute step ups, 1 minute rest x4
100# D-ball
28 reps/32 reps/25 reps/15 reps (with 2+ minutes to spare)
100 reps total

February 13 Workout

Foot Up Lunges
PW Leg Curls
Rope Climb (4x total)

"+" drill 6/6/6/6 20/10 x10 2,2,2,r,r,r,l,l,l,2
1 foot lateral, forward 15 yards each (6 lengths total)

24" Box Jumps x10
20" Lateral Jumps x10 l/r
24" Depth Jumps x10
30 yard Broad Jumps (14/12/10)

3 sets each (red/magenta, red, no bands)

Press 36k's 6x2
1-arm assisted pullups -20# 5 sets


February 12 Workout

44k Turkish Get Up l/r
44k Swing
~36 minutes

February 11 Workout

1-leg lateral jumping
Form running

Jumping (red/magenta, red, zero, approach) sets of 8
2/0, 2/1, 2/2 9'4"-9'6"
1/0, 1/1, 1/2 9'7"-9'9"
0/0, 0/1, 0/2 9'10"-10'

Broad Jump
2 green (to wall) x10
1 green (to wall) x10
10 across floor

Handstand hip slaps 5x5
Pole Climb hip slaps 5x5

Handstand pushups 6-5-4-3-2-1
Pole Vaulters 6-5-4-3-2-1

February 9 Workout

Resisted Running 20/10 5 minutes
Med ball Dunking 3k, 4k, 5k sets of 8

Jumping (red/magenta, red, zero, approach) sets of 8
2/0, 2/1, 2/2 9'4"-9'6"
1/0, 1/1, 1/2 9'7"-9'9"
0/0, 0/1, 0/2 9'10"-10'

Lateral Jumping 2,1,0, ~20" 10 r/l

1-arm assited pullups -20# 5 sets
1-arm push press 40k 5x5 r/l


February 8 Workout

28k's Squat Press
Battling Rope/Full Extension
44k's Renegade Rows
Tire Jumps In/Out
Hanging Leg Raises
~18 minutes

February 7 Workout

36k 100 yard overhead carry (50,25,25)
50 doubles f/b
40k 100 yard rack carry (50,50)
50 doubles f/b
44k 100 yard farmers carry (65,35)
50 doubles f/b
~20 minutes

February 6 Workout

Jump Rope 2 f/b, alt f/b, right/left f/b, doubles f/b 30 sec x10
"+" drill 6/6/5/5 2,2,2,l,l,l,r,r,r,2

Jumping (magenta/red=2, red=1, approach, sets of 8)
2/0, 2/1, 2/2, 9'4"-9'6"
1/0, 1/1, 1/2, 9'7"-9'9"
0/0, 0/1, 0/2, 9'10"-10'

1-arm press 36k's 5x5 r/l
Pullups +40k 5x4


February 4 Workout

Lateral 1-foot Jumping

Jumping (magenta/red = 2 bands, red = 1, approach, sets of 8)
2/0, 2/1, 2/2 9'3"-9'5"
1/0, 1/1, 1/2 9'6"-9'8"
0/0, 0/1, 0/2 9'9"-9'11"

Press 5x2 36k's
1-arm pullups 5 sets

Handstand Walking

February 1 Workout

Resisted Running 20/10 10 sets

Resisted Backpedal 30 yards controlled, 15 yards fast x3

Magenta Bands (2/1/0) 20"

Lateral Jumps (20)

24" Depth Jumps (20)

24" Box Jumps (10)

Broad Jumps (14,12,11)

Press 36k's 10 reps

5 sets 1-arm pullup -20#

January 30 Workout

Box Body Rows
Jungle Gym Leg Curls
Dive Bombers